Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Announces Completion of First Stage of BNG Farmout

Today Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) announced the completion of the first stage of its agreement with Canamens to dispose of part of its interest in the highly prospective BNG Contract Area (aka Ayrshagyl).

The revised deal was announced in October and ratifed at a General Meeting on 17 November.

The first stage has involved Roxi transferring at 23% interest in BNG to Canamens in return for $32m plus a $2m completion payment.

Canamens now have until 31 March 2010 to decide whether to complete on the second part of the deal which would see Roxi transferring a further 12% interest in return for a further $23m.

This $32m is going to be used to drill prospects on the BNG block, probably starting with the already discovered G-54 structure in the Cretaceous/Jurassic, and potentially a deeper well to test the as yet undrilled Triassic prospect that appears to lie beneath. We do not yet know whether and when Roxi will drill the previously discovered G-1 prospect (which tested oil at ~2,000bopd) in the Lower Permian or the G-7 Jurassic target.

At the AGM in July 2009, it was suggested that a further 2D/3D seismic programme on the south of the block may also commence during 2010.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Broker Note Released

Roxi Petroleum's (AIM:RXP) broker and NOMAD, Matrix Corporate Capital has finally released its long awaited broker note covering the company.

Based on a long term oil price of $80/barrel, Matrix sets a core value of 8p/share and a core plus risked value of 17p/share. With a long term oil price assumption of $100/barrel, the core value rises to 12p/share.

The broker note can be found here.

Key points that have emerged include:

1) BNG.

Matrix recounts the prior guidance of the company setting out the 2C reserves of 42 million barrels of oil (mmbo), with 2mmbo being attributed to G-54 in the Jurassic and 40mmbo attributed to Yelemes G-1 in the pre-salt.

However, elesewhere they talk of a shallow target spudding in 2Q10 to target 25mmbo and a deeper well spudding in 1H11 targeting 35mmbo. There is some discrepancy between the 2C reserves and the target sizes that is not very well explained; and no mention is made of the 3C resources of ~360mmbo that are mentioned in the annual reports. Moreover, it is not clear if the targeted 25mmbo in shallow target is just for G-54 or whether it includes the Triassic target identified beneath in the BNG Seismic post.

Elsewhere they talk of the shallow Jurassic well spudding in 1Q10 and targeting 5-40mmbo between 2-3,000m and a deeper well targeting 20-60mmbo at a depth of 3,500-4,500m. However, on the company's own seismic charts, the Jurassic is at around 1,400-1,600m, the Triassic target at 2,100-2,500m and the lower Permian target at approx 2,400-2,700m. So, overall, something of a confused picture, probably derived from the inordinate length of time it has taken to produce the note.

Interestingly, Matrix paint a little more detail on the old Ayrshagyl and Saztobe wells, both of which encountered hydrocarbons. It seems Ayrshagyl suffered a blowout and the Saztobe well was in the SW of the block and discovered condensate. This area is unlikely to be an exploration target for some time - the 3-D seismic over that part of the block is likely to be carried out during 2010.

2) Ravninnoe.

The Matrix broker note paints a little more detail on the targets in Ravninnoe. First, the mid-Carboniferous target currently being drilled by Well #20 is described as having P50 resources of 27mmbo and P10 resources of 58mmbo. The P10 resources number is a new disclosure.

Moreover, they indicate that if Well #20 is successful, then 3 or 4 additional wells are planned to be drilled on Ravninnoe in 2010. I guess we now have an indication of the use of funds if the full or partial sale of Galaz goes through.

Matrix also disclose some extra details about the deeper targets at Ravninnoe. First, the lower-Carboniferous target does seem to have been drilled by old Soviet wells, and Matrix assign a chance of success of 50% to this prospect, with P50 and P10 resources of 28 and 49mmbo respectively. Interestingly, in prior disclosures like the Envoi note, the lower-Carboniferous and Devonian targets have been merged together. This note clearly separates them out as different targets although we do not yet know the prospective size of the Devonian target.

There is also an interesting passsing reference to Well #20 having been designed to test a number of seismically mapped Jurassic and Cretaceous targets - this looks like a new disclosure.

3) Galaz

First, Matrix have made a simple mistake in saying the NK22 exploration well spudded on 24 December. That date is in the future, and Roxi have clearly said it spudded on 24 November.

Matrix also give an indication of the differences between the old Soviet GOST standards and western SPE standards for measuring reserves. Roxi's latest news releases indicate 14.6mmbo of 2C reserves on the NW Konys (aka NW Konus), but in their valuation, Matrix only attribute a core 8mmbo with an unrisked upside of 5mmbo. It appears as though some of the discrepancy arises from how far along the river channel one allows for probable reserves.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Names New CEO as David Wilkes

Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) today announced the appointment of David Wilkes as CEO.

Of course David Wilkes joined the board on 1 October as Finance Director, so this move looks like a planned succession as the existing CEO, Rob Schoonbrood, retires at the age of 65.

Rob has worked extremely hard through the credit crunch to lay the financial foundations that will enable Roxi to drill the BNG and Ravninnoe contracts areas using finance raised from Canamens and to drill the Galaz block with the deal struck with KazRosMunai LLP.

Let's hope that David can build on these foundations and take the company to the next level. Results from the Ravninnoe Well #20 and Galaz Well NK22 cannot be too far away.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Arawak takes stake in Roxi Petroleum (RXP) to over 21m shares

Roxi Petroleum made three announcements today.

The first indicated that 12,050,000 warrants with an exercise price of 10p had been exercised. This raises ~£1.2m in cash for the company at a price above the current mid-market price (according to advfn RXP closed today at a mid price of 8.75p).

The second and third indicated that Arawak Energy Limited (part of Vitol Group, now known as Altius Energy) now had a holding of 21,132,500 shares or just over 5% of the new issued share capital; this representing the sum of the ~9m warrants exercised on 3/11/09 and the ~12m warrants exercised today. Arawak still holds 32,867,500 10p warrants (although the exercise price rises to 15p/share after the end of March 2010). This combined total represents the 54m warrants Arawak procured as part of the Galaz funding deal announced in June 09 (18m came from their loan and 36m were sold to Arawak by Kuat Oraziman). Note that Arawak Energy are now owned by Vitol.

The interesting thing is that since the beginning of November a further 6.43m 10p options were exercised on 23 November. It is not clear presently where these options came from or who exercised them.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Releases Galaz Reserves

Today Roxi Petroleum has announced that it has received approval from the State Geological Committee of Kazakhstan for the re-dermination of the reserves of the Galaz field.

The total 2C reserves to GOST standards are 14.6 million barrels of oil (mmbo), with C1 at 7.2mmbo and C2 at 7.4mmbo. Roxi's share of these barrels would be 43.4% or 6.34mmbo

This is somewhat lower than many had hoped for, and below the numbers announced on the Dae Han website last week.

However, this news is tempered by the fact that a new exploration well, NK22, has been spudded on the Galaz block by KazRosMunai LLP targeting the Arksum and Upper Jurassic sands at around 2,200m and some 6km away from the NW Konys field. The prior expectation set with the announcement on 4 November was for this exploration well to be drilled in 2Q10.

It also seems strange that KazRosMunai are drilling this well, as previously there was talk of selling all or part of Galaz to LG of Korea or another party. It remains to be seen whether this deal will now go ahead or whether the farm-in deal with KazRosMunai will now continue to its second stage.

Friday, 27 November 2009

Dea Han New Pharm Let's Slip the Galaz Reserves

On 4 November, Roxi Petroleum announced that the Kazakhstan authorities were about to consider the revised reserves for the NW Konys field on the Galaz block, with results expected on 11 November.

We are still awaiting official confirmation from Roxi; but on 25 November, one of the shareholders of Baverstock (a major shareholder of Roxi), Dae Han New Pharm appears to have announced that the revised gross 2C reserves to GOST standards are 16 million barrels of oil (mmbo) (43.4% net to Roxi), compared to prior reserves of 12.6mmbo in the 2008 Annual Report.

This is somewhat below expectations of ~30mmbo, but is nevertheless an improvement. However, the numbers are coming from a Google translation of a page published in Korean, so we must treat this with some scepticism for the time being.

Links to:

Dae Han New Pharm website: https://www.dhnp.co.kr/default.asp

Dae Han press release from 25 November: https://www.dhnp.co.kr/news/notice_read.asp?id=80&page=1&pos=80

Note that unless you can read Korean, you will have to use a translation tool to understand what is being said.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Arawak Exercises More Options in Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP)

In two recent announcements (03/11/09 and 23/11/09), Roxi Petroleum has raised a total of ~£1.5m through the exercise of just over 15m options at 10p each.

Options at 10p were issued to Arawak Energy Limited (now part of Vitol Group and now called Altius Energy) and Kuat Oraziman in the announcement made in June 2009 to bring in funds to finance bringing Galaz into production. Subsequently Mr. Oraziman sold his 36m options to Arawak for an undisclosed sum.

So, it seems likely that Arawak are the party exercising the options and they have now exercised ~15.5m of the 54m options they held. Interestingly, the exercise price rises to 15p/share at the end of March 2010. So, this exercise of options shows a welcome show of confidence in the company, especially as the mid price of Roxi shares today is some 9.5p. These transactions also provide working capital funding to the company without recourse to the GEM facility, and thus does not dilute existing shareholders more than has already been announced.

Edit: 2/12/09 according to today's announcement it seems as though Arawak Energy did not exercise the ~6.4m options exercised on 23 November. That remains a bit of a mystery.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Management and Advisors

The board of directors can be found on the Roxi Petroleum website.

Chairman: Clive Carver
CEO: David Wilkes (took over from Rob Schoobrood on 1 January 2010)
Finance Director: David Wilkes
Executive Director: Kuat Oraziman
Technical Director: Duncan McDougall
Operations Director: Hyunsik Jang
Non-Executive: Edmund Pery, Earl of Limerick
Company Secretary: Paul Puxon

The advisors can be found on the Roxi Petroleum website.

NOMAD and broker: Matrix Corporate Capital LLP
Auditors: BDO Stoy Hayward LLP
Competent Person: McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd
Financial Public Relations (PR): College Hill Associates Limited (according to a tweet on 1 April, the PR advisors are now Buchanan Communications)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Results of Roxi Petroleum (RXP) General Meeting

As expected, the Roxi Petroleum general meeting to approve the transaction to fund the exploration and appraisal of the BNG block went ahead today, and the resolution was duly passed.

Details of the circular can be found here.

There were some interesting questions after the formal part of the meeting, and the discussion is reported below.

1) Attendees. The meeting was sparsely attended: your author, someone from Arawak and four others, although a fifth other person did arrive part way through. I think I recall the chairman saying ony 2 people were entitled to vote and one of those was me; however he was holding about 150m proxies in favour of the transaction. All the directors were there.

2) Galaz. The reserves upgrade is being considered by the Khazakstan authorities now. I think the company had anticipated receiving the results by now and described the decision as "imminent". Someone asked about the potential deal with LG. It seems another party may interested; there was talk of negotiating an "exclusivity fee". Kuat Oraziman said he hoped to get to some sort of resolution by the end of this month. I guess investors ought to continue to be patient as these deals can take a good while to pull together. The existing wells that have been drilled are currently shut-in pending commencement of pilot production which may be expected during 2Q10. They will start production slowly and build to 1,000-1,500bopd by year end 2010. There was some clarification of the new exploration target announced on 4 November; this is targeting Arksum and Upper Jurassic sands that are a bit deeper than the existing wells but in the same formation. This is not the deeper target indicated earlier. Well cost should be in the region of $1.5m.

3) Ravninnoe. Well #20 drilling ahead at 1,600m. We might expect some news around Xmas. I clarified the target depth. The AGM presentation had a well design that indicated a target depth of 3,800m that may have explored the lower-Carboniferous as well as appraising the mid-Carboniferous primary target at 3,200m. They confirmed the well location is not optimal for the deeper target, so they probably won't drill as far as 3,800m. Although Duncan McDougal did say if they still had oil shows at 3,500m they would carry on.

4) BNG. Once the paperwork aurrounding the BNG deal sanctioned today is completed, they hope to get drilling on BNG ASAP. Applications and permits are in progress. Whilst they would hope to commence drilling in December, 1Q10 is a more realistic target. They will start by drilling the G-54 wells. I asked about the tantalising target just below in the Tertiary, and they will consider it; but not with the first well. The decision on the location of the first deep well has yet to be taken, so it may not be Y-1. For more detail on the BNG block see here and here

5) BNG seismics and volumetrics. I asked when they would update the market on these results. Rob Schoonbrood indicated they were encouraged by the results so far and Duncan McDougal said they would probably release the results during 1Q10. After the meeting I mentioned that the fully diluted EV of MXP was ~£300m at present, compared to RXP's ~£40m (OK a bit more with the warrants, options and the small amount of debt) and the only material thing MXP has over and above RXP is that MXP have gone to market with their volumetrics. I do hope that point hit home and leads to an acceleration of the release of data.

6) Finance. Someone asked when the company was going to come to market for more cash. Clive Carver answered that there were no current plans to do so. So, I guess they hope Arawak exercise more warrants to ensure they have enough cash to fund overheads until production from Galaz or BNG kicks in. Of course, if Galaz is sold the short term cash needs for funding overheads (remember drilling on Rav and BNG is funded for a good while) goes away anyway; and there's ~$7m of the $57m BNG money coming to Roxi as well. Interestingly, RS talked about the $50m coming from Canamens that goes to drill BNG. As aficianandos will know, this will be loaned to BNG BV, but $32.5m comes back to Roxi from future production and $17.5m goes to Canamens. RS indicated that Roxi will eventually get the full $50m back, with the balance coming back from Baverstock as "compensation".

7) Futures. I chatted a bit at the end to Rob Schoonbrood and Duncan McDougal. Although there is still a theoretical possiblity of doing some sort of deal on ADA; personally I'm now discounting it. However, "the coffin" part of BNG not yet operated by Roxi may well become available during 2010. I congratulated them both on not re-pricing their options which they accepted gracefully, but they are confident of making a significant amount on those options over time - their targets are very ambitious. RS even suggested any further significant dilution (my guess beyond say 500m shares which is about the fully diluted position now, ex-GEM) would only be done to fund acquisition of further assets.

Overall, it is pleasing to see the BNG deal finally done - they did say there is very little chance of this deal falling apart and no risk of any further taking back of assets by Baverstock. It is good to see we are drilling in Ravninnoe now and will be drilling BNG shortly. Galaz reserves upgrade imminent, and if we are lucky a Christmas present of good news from Ravninnoe and a deal to sell all or part of Galaz. However, investors ought not to get their hopes up about the timing of any news release about the BNG seismic coming any time soon. Hopefully, getting this deal out of the way ought to now pave the way for Matrix Corporate Capital to release their long awaited broker note to drum up some institutional interest.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Satellite Imagery of BNG?

A link has been posted on the web that appears to show the giant 8bn barrels of oil Tengiz field, and a nearby area labelled IV. It does appear as though this IV zone may cover some of Roxi Petroleum's BNG block (also known as Ayrshagyl).

As a way of at least partially verifiying this data, the recently discovered Taq Taq block in Kurdistan is clearly shown on a different page accessed from the above link ( http://www.scotforth.com/index.php?page=kurdistan )

Friday, 6 November 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) BNG Block Seismic Results

Looking at the image above (that can be enlarged by clicking on it), taken from Slide 8 of the Roxi Petroleum (RXP) AGM Presentation from July 2009, it looks like there are more targets in this part of the BNG block (also known as Ayrshagyl) than were discovered in Soviet times. We know already about G-54 (aka Yelemes), the likely target of the first wells Roxi will drill on the block and G-1, presumably the pre-salt target discussed in the same presentation.

However, two other targets appear on this slide, the Triassic truncation play and the Upper Permian truncation play. Is it possible that Roxi will consider deepening one of the 3 new Yelemes G-54 wells to test the Triassic play type?

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Releases Galaz Update

Today Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) announced an update on its Galaz asset in Kazakhstan.

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to conclude a deal to sell all or part of the asset to LG of Korea under the exclusive MoU announced on 17 July. However, Roxi and LG are still discussing a deal, and Roxi has recommenced discussions with other interested parties; which bodes well for getting achieving full value in any full or part sale.

More interesting is that a reserves upgrade report has been submitted to the state authorities that will be reviewed today, with the results of the review expected to be received by 11 November. Some think the expected 2C classification will be of the order of 30mmbo (gross, of which Roxi share 43.4%). Following the classification to GOST standards, Roxi will then determine the reserves classification to western SPE standards. If expectations of 30mmbo gross recoverable reserves are correct; applying a multiple of $5/bbl would equate to a Roxi share worth ~$60-65m, or close to the current market capitalisation which would mean the BNG, Ravninnoe, Munaily and Beibars assets are in the price for almost nothing.

Further, after the reserves approval, Roxi will submit a pilot production plan and would expect approval, and presumably production start, in 1Q10. So, if the asset is not sold, Roxi will gain valuable cashflow. [Edit: Expectations of 2Q10 production start were set at the GM held on 17 November 2009. See report here].

Finally, Roxi has identified a deeper exploration target in the south of the acreage and plans to drill an exploration well to test the Arksum and Jurassic reservoirs to a depth of 2,200m . Roxi has completed tenders for the well, and hopes to start drilling by 2Q2010. After this well is completed, it is expected that 20km2 of new 3D seismic will be collected over the recently acquired northern portion of the block.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) spuds first well on Ravninnoe Asset

Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) announced that it has spudded its first well on the Ravninnoe asset. This well, named Well #20, is effectively an offset from Well #8, drilled during Soviet times.

It has previously been announced that Well #8 tested oil at 6-800 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from the mid-Carboniferous horizon. The existing reserves associated with this field are quite modest, at 3.7 millons of barrels of oil (mmbo) proved + probable + possible.

However, the other holders of part of the Ravninnoe asset did at one time have their share of the asset up for sale through Envoi where it was disclosed that the mid-Carboniferous had expected Pmean gross reserves of 26mmbo (p7) and that there was also a deeper, lower-Carboniferous target with Pmean gross reserves of 27mmbo (p7). Roxi holds a 30% interest in the Ravninnoe block.

The July 2009 AGM Presentation (slide 15) shows the target depth of Well 20 is 3,800m with a production liner being set from 3,200m to 3,800m. This indicates Well #20 is being drilled to penetrate the lower-Caroniferous as well as the mid-Carboniferous. The GM held on 17 November indicated that Well #20 was not in an optimum location to test the lower-Carboniferous target, so they are unlikely to drill as far as 3,800m. However, it was stated that if they still had oil shows at 3,500m, they would keep going. Full report on GM here.

Today's announcement is ambiguous on the targets of the well, but if they do drill both horizons with this well, and achieve a positive result with both, then the impact on Roxi's reserves and production would be very significant indeed.

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) finally seals the BNG Farm-out Deal with Canamens

Back in July Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) announced the terms of a farmout deal with Canamens, whereby in exchange for 35% of BNG, Canamens would fund up to $50m of the 2009 and 2010 work programmes for the BNG asset. Under the terms of that arrangement, Roxi would end up with 37.96% of BNG. This deal was ratified by shareholders at a GM held on 12 August.

In September, with the interims, they made a further announcement that the terms of the deal were being re-negotiated, and a further separate but associated agreement with Baverstock, so they could be released from further work programme commitments.

Yesterday, Roxi announced the details of the new transaction. This deal means that Roxi's additional work commitments are reduced to $8m, in return for reducing its eventual stake in BNG to 23.41%. Whilst it is disappointing that the final stake is BNG is being reduced so dramatically, it is undoubtedly good news that funding issues have now been resolved and the path is clear to commence drilling; hopefully in the near future.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Roxi Petroleum (RXP) Hires Big Hitting CFO

Today Roxi Petroleum announced that they had hired David Wilkes as Group Finance Director. David is the former Country Managing Partner of Ernst and Young in Kazakhstan.


Sunday, 30 August 2009

Central Asian Republic Oil/Gas Fields and Pipelines

Interestingly, Yelemes and Ravninnoe (as Ravnin) and Munaily (as Munayli) appear on this EIA map of Oil and Gas fields and pipelines in Central Asia, including Khazakhstan:


Thursday, 27 August 2009


ADA Group is not currently an asset of Roxi Petroelum. But in October 2007, it did announce an option to buy a 50% stake in ADA and ADA Oil (together the ADA Group), which has significant, prospective acreage in Kazakhstan, and now very significant production. See this link:


Further details of the ADA acreage is given here:

http://www.roxipetroleum.com/PDFs/RoxiEragonAcquisition0208.pdf Slides 20-22, and here
http://www.roxipetroleum.com/PDFs/Rns310108_4.pdf Pages 209-247

Part of the consideration was going to be Roxi shares at a value of 80p, later reduced to 65p. The credit crunch played its part in decimating the Roxi share price, so the deal did not go ahead. However, the deposit was never re-paid, and at the 2009 AGM, it was said that Roxi was interested in a deal for a part of ADA, but perhaps a different shape to the original one.

Here are other links about ADA. The first indicates that one discovery on Aktobe, where it suggests ADA has a stake, may have over 1bn barrels of reserves:


The second indicates a discovery made on the block in 2006:


There has long been Korean interest in the assets of Roxi. For instance, Vision FMS from Korea was going to buy some of the Roxi shares issued as consideration for the Eragon acquisition and for the failed ADA deal.

Now, LG has expressed an interest in buying the Galaz asset.

Perhaps as significant is a recently announced deal whereby the Korean National Oil Company (KNOC) and LG have recently raised their stake in ADA Oil to 75% after a partial sale of assets from Vertom and other Kazakh holders:

"Korean National Oil Corp. (KNOC) and LG International Corp. Purchased an additional 30% stake in the Ada oil block in Kazakhstan . The move increased their combine shareholding to 75%. Previously, KNOC and LG International held a 22.5% stake in the block each. In the recent transaction, the companies boosted their stakes by 17.5% and 12.5% respectively. The stakes were offered by Vertom and other shareholders due to problems in planned investment. Ada oil block is located in north western Kazakhstan . It is expected to producer 250,000 barrels of oil from the block by the end of this year. Next year, production is expected to rise to 750,000 bpd. Exploration of the block started in 2006. Its reserves are estimated at 170m barrels."

Interestingly, the seller was Vertom, which is one of the investment vehicles of Kuat Oraziman, one of the executive directors and major shareholders of Roxi Petroleum (RXP).

Is it possible that Roxi may sell the Galaz asset to LG perhaps as some part of the consideration for a stake in ADA?

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Anticipated Future Newsflow

(Courtesy of Shamus)

A few have asked me to provide an expected news flow and activity time line for RXP. I will provide one to the best of my knowledge until December:

Expected news anytime between August and November:

  • LG buyout for Galaz
  • Galaz commercial license approval (allows to sell oil at commercial rates => revenue)
August 2009:

  • BNG Waiver approved by Kazakhstan Government

  • First instalment for BNG from Canamenns
  • Ravninnoe rig mobilisation
  • Galaz update
  • Possible BNG rig contract announcement
  • New Broker note from Matrix (or maybe October)

  • Ravinnoe Spud 1st well
  • Possible BNG seismics results
  • Galaz, Ravinnoe volumetric updates

  • BNG seismics results
  • BNG volumetrics
  • Ravninnoe spud
  • Potential Ravninnoe mobilisation to 2nd well?
End Nov/Dec:

  • BNG rig mobilisation
  • Ravninnoe 1st well update
  • December BNG Spud
  • Further Ravninnoe updates

Second installment from Canamens due

Keep in mind:

(1) They have a new broker who is trying to get them onto SETS (This is so it can behave much like MXP)

(2) I have tried to trade it before only to find out that when its time to buy again I can only buy in 100 GBP parcels.

(3) I am noticing there is low liquidity in this stock (most of it is in the hands of Kazakhs that want a mininimum 65p per share for it)

I don't know where its going it is the type of share that 1 million shares will push it 5% and next day 50,000 shares will push it another 10%. But it should return to the 20's in the near future with some tipping 40-60p at end of year (on back of BNG seismic results), although I would like that to happen I would be happy with 20-30's given overall market conditions, I do expect to see some profit taking on the way up of course.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Monday, 24 August 2009

Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP): BNG Asset

Post updated and re-published here.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Monday, 17 August 2009

Smarty Overview of Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) Investment Case

Why invest in Roxi Petroleum (RXP):

  • Funded to drill acreage over next 2 years
  • Production success 1200-1400 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from Galaz - revenues monetised Q4 from possible sale of Galaz
  • Sept Interims with New broker note to follow
  • Possible move to SETS
  • Very likely Drill Ravninnoe wells end Sept
  • Drill Yelemes Q4
  • Vitol involvement
  • ADA acreage opportunity

    A positive broker note was meant to be published by WHI. Our new broker will obviously be keen to get his clients in pre proper news hits the streets and before broker note and probable rerating. Therein lies the problem of stock availability as a high % of RXP stock is held by KO and his Kazakh mates. I suggest that there maybe an attempted tree shake at some point as institutional demand will be met by a supply problem, net result a severe pop in the sp followed by news and a further spike north on rerating.

    I also like the Vitol involvement in RXP and their investment in BWLVN yesterday says a lot about their current appetite for more opportunity and it wouldn't surprise me to see their involvement in Kazakhstan-based ADA.

    This share is currently below the radar of many BUT not for much longer. I am in for the long term as I want to see BNG and possibly ADA deliver. There aren't many fully funded OE companies with the deep prospects and acreage prospectivity that RXP possess. RXP have done a great job to stay afloat and have managed to obtain interest & support from Canamems, LG of Korea, Vitol and I really see this as a hugely undervalued stock that has huge 'Bagger' potential.


Saturday, 1 August 2009

Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) AGM Report

First the actual formal AGM:

Chaired by Clive Carver. All motions passed without incident, as you might expect when all of them had ~197m of proxies behind them. I did raise my eyebrows at Res 5 that allows the management to allot 190m shares – quite a big dilution, but it was justified by the possible need to use the GEM facility (more on that later) and exercise of warrants and options.

Now, the meaty bit: the presentation by Duncan McDougall. It is difficult to over-estimate the calm assurance in which he delivered the presentation, his openness to answering questions and being extremely informative. The meeting only had about 3 PI's, one corporate proxy and a few City hangers on (apologies to any reading). Bob and I asked most of the questions, in what was felt like a fairly cordial boardroom setting. Couldn't be better.

I think the best way of going through this is to step through the presentation as it was given ( http://www.roxipetroleum.com/PDFs/RoxiAGMDMCDJuly2009.pdf ), and chip in any further info that came up wither in the session, or afterwards in a brief chat with some of the directors.

Slide 4

They've essentially spent the last year raising finance. They've largely shunned placings and rights issues because the cost of capital would have diluted the company very, very significantly. So, they've gone the farm-out route and seem proud of their achievements. It seems that now they are funded up for a very significant exploration programme. Rob SSchoonbrood emphasised on more than one occasion after the meeting that the GEM facility was an "insurance policy" and he did not intend to use it as it was "very expensive money". I believed him, but I guess we should all note that no CEO is ever going to pre-announce using GEM, as it would make it even more expensive money. But as I see it, at the moment there is no need to use it.

Slide 5:

One of my concerns about Galaz was taken away, in that now we have had confirmation of the extension to the exploration phase to May 2011, which leaves plenty of time to drill up the deeper target(s).

Slides 6-10: BNG
Currently 2C reserves of 42 million barrels of oil (mmbo) – 40mmbo to Yelemes and 2mmbo to G54. There is not enough reliable data at present to declare 2P reserves to SPE standards. This will come from a combination of the 3-D seismic interpretation and new drilling. Spangle: the picture of G-1 was not mentioned on that slide, but elsewhere they stated that it previously tested at ~2,000barrels of oil per day (bopd) from a sandstone play – I've no idea what pipework they had in place for that test. G54 tested at 200bopd.

The significance of the blue dot-dash line is the "Transition Zone". Basically areas to the south and west of the line suffer flooding from the Caspian in the Spring. So, they need to plan operations in these areas carefully (for instance they are planning 3-D seismic over that area now. The red zone represents the carbonates distribution boundary – I didn't quite pick up on the significance of this, but Bob may have done.

Bob asked about the Max Petroleum interpretation of the geology, that all of the pre-salt and post-salt oil comes from the same, deep source rock. Duncan McDougal confirmed this as their understanding and said that the underlying Carboniferous source rock may be up to 40,000 feet thick (yes taller than Everest).

They are interested in acquiring the "coffin-shaped" bit in the middle, and believe it may become available in 2010. The other two excluded areas are producing fields (although there as a hint the southern one may be shut-in) and are not available for exploration. Maybe available to acquire as producing assets(?). However, significantly, they both have pipelines from them, making getting any new oil discovered to market (some 30-40km to the export facility) easier than it might otherwise be.

They expect the deeper wells to 4,000m carboniferous targets to cost $10-12m a throw, with wells in the southern part being perhaps 10% more than that with extra concrete pads and raised roads being needed to combat flooding. For these wells they are designing the wells, the casing and well head to prepare to encounter H2S, but they do not expect to encounter H2S, as historic wells in the immediate area have been H2S free.

They are looking to define the well locations later this year and trying to design wells that will hit the river channel features (shown on slide 9 – they very quite excited about these features) that they hope will produce 1.5mmbo each over their life rather than 0.5mmbo in other locations. Looking to target ~3 wells in the G-54 Jurassic closure area and possibly ~1 deep well in the G-7 area – a 4-way dip closure – I think this may be subject to change. I'm not sure but I think this well may target the area shown on the seismic map outlined in light blue that G-1 hit.

Slides 11-13: Galaz
Recently extended the size of this acreage and extended the exploration time horizon. It is a bit hidden on the slide, but KazRosMunai have invested about $5.5m so far, with a potential for $17m. But as what they have found in the Upper Jurassic is ahead of expectations, they are not going to proceed with KazRosMunai funding for drilling the mid-Jurassic target. So, Roxi's share of the acreage is going to remain at 43.3% (higher than the previously announced post-farm-in expectation of 30.09%).

They are hoping for 2C reserves in the region of 30mmbo. This submission will be in the next couple of weeks. They will start reporting reserves in both Soviet GOST standards (to satisfy Kazak authorities) and SPE standards (to satisfy investors). Hoping for pilot production approval of 1,200-1,400 bopd by end of the year.

Again they are excited about the "river channels" and they map the field along that channel. They plan to drill 4 more wells, probably in the in the yellow sections of the channel to prove up more reserves and better define the OWC. NK-4 had water ingress that they have solved with a diesel-cement squeeze (they described that as a bit crude). They are considering "coil tube side-tracking" (I can guess what that is, but maybe Spangle can elaborate).

The NE green channel will need water injection to fully produce. It is a bit of a problem where the water is going to come from, now they've sealed off NK-4.

They intend to extend the seismic grid to the whole Galaz area, and believe there are a large number of targets.

Another operator is going to drill a deeper well to the West of the northern-most apex of the triangle to ~2,500m. I don't know who that is, but the results will be no doubt interesting to RXP as they plan their own deeper well programme. Another operator also holds the "zig-zaggy" triangle near the top of the acreage.

I asked about how wise it was to sell off Galaz when it was on the verge of significant production A reference to the MoU with LG of Korea), and the business needs income. The reply was that they will only sell if they get "full value" representing the reserves they have found and an element of upside. It may make sense to monetise now the next 20 years of production. Sounds to me like they know what they are doing. Additionally, they expect some production from Yelemes later in the year, so they would still have an income stream if they ended up selling off Galaz.

Slides 14-16: Ravninnoe (pronounced Rav-nina)

They are planning a new well here (#20) which will be a slightly offset re-drill of the old well #8, which tested ~800bopd. 3,800m td, but they will log the secondary Jurassic target on the way down. Drilling contract awarded, they've purchased the long-lead items and are working on sorting the services contracts. Probably spud in October, looking to produce at commercial rates. Although I don't recall it being mentioned during the meeting, looking at the slide 15 now, it looks like they've got two targets in the mid and lower Carboniferous which looks exciting.

Slide 17: Beibars

When they acquired the acreage they didn't think that there had been any Soviet-era exploration. But they have now "found" two old wells. The first encountered oil and the second flowed gas at I think he said 500,000scfgpd. But the block is currently under a "military polygon" which has invoked "force majeure". So, no further activity until this is resolved. They didn't give a timeline and I didn't ask.

In the post presentation questions I asked about two things:

1) ADA. They haven't invoked repayment of their deposit as they are still interested in the asset. A deal may be done, but a different shape to the prior agreement.

2) Arawak/Vitol. I asked if we should attach any significance to them buying in. Rob Schoonbrood said it was for "internal Kazak reasons" and done at the "Arawak level", not the "Vitol level". He also said that any bid for the company would have to be agreed by major shareholders. At that point the meeting looked towards Kuat Oraziman, and he just laughed. I don't think he is interested in selling any time soon.

Bob also asked about when a full estimate of "unrisked resources" would be made available. They understood the question and what he was getting at. The answer is that to do that they need data, both from interpretation of the seismic and some drilling. Once they have that, then it will be provided. CC also mentioned that now they have the funding in place and a programme taking shape they will consider stepping up the PR campaign. Bob suggested Oil Barrel and Pro-active Investors as suitable venues, and I did get the impression a broker note was in progress.

So, overall I came away impressed with the people, with what they are doing and the future plans. In my view this is an "investment stock" not a "trader's stock". If I had more cash available, I would be buying more, but I don't, so I'm just sitting tight and watching the story unfold over the coming months and years. Inevitably, the share price will go up and it will go down, but what matters is where you buy at and what you eventually sell for.

Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) 2009 AGM Presentation

Roxi Petroleum is an AIM listed oil and gas exploration company (AIM:RPX) with the BNG (aka Ayrshagyl), Galaz, Ravninnoe, Beibars and Munaily blocks in Kazakhstan. The Kazakh headquarters are in Almaty, Kazakhstan, although there is a corporate headquarters in London:


At the recent AGM for the year ended 31 December 2008, the company made a presentation covering its major assets. This report can be found here:
