Looking at the image above (that can be enlarged by clicking on it), taken from Slide 8 of the Roxi Petroleum (RXP) AGM Presentation from July 2009, it looks like there are more targets in this part of the BNG block (also known as Ayrshagyl) than were discovered in Soviet times. We know already about G-54 (aka Yelemes), the likely target of the first wells Roxi will drill on the block and G-1, presumably the pre-salt target discussed in the same presentation.
However, two other targets appear on this slide, the Triassic truncation play and the Upper Permian truncation play. Is it possible that Roxi will consider deepening one of the 3 new Yelemes G-54 wells to test the Triassic play type?
Canacol Announces 2010 work programme for Capella
15 years ago