Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Roxi Petroleum Newsflow Update

In the post on 11 March, I set out a number of items of expected newsflow.  Here is an update:

1) Ravninnoe Well #20 test result (expected March 2010 per Oil Barrel Conference).  Update: Result announced in 7 April RNS.  240bopd from an 18 metre interval.  Awaiting results of extended flow test and acid stimulation.

2) Galaz NK22 test result (ought to be imminent as discovery was announced on 18Feb 2010).  Update: Result still awaited.

3) South Yelemes re-perforation of Well G-54 result (they were preparing to perforate on 3 Feb 2010). Update: Result announced in 7 April RNS.  200bopd from shallower interval.

4) Spudding of first new well on South Yelemes (a rig had been mobilised on 3 February 2010). Update: Well 805 spudded on 14 April, to be followed by Well 806.

5) Canamens exercising their option (or not) over a further %-age of BNG (due by 31 March 2010). Update: Done, announced in 31 March RNS.

6) Repayment (or not) of Arawak Energy (now known as Altius Energy) loan(s) - decision due by 31 March 2010.  Update: Re-paid from a new interest-free loan from Kuat Oraziman. This new loan likely to be re-paid using funds received from LG in the Galaz deal.

7) Further exercise (or not) of Arawak (now known as Altius Energy) warrants (the exercise price rises to 15p after 31 March 2010). Update: Altius Energy exercised a total of 3.6m warrants, leaving a substantial number outstanding at an exercise price of 15p or above.

8) Commencement of Galaz production (approval should be granted before end April 2010). Update: LG deal going well, but now expected to close during May 2010.

9) Commencement of Galaz development programme (deal with LG announced on 10 Feb 2010; awaiting regulatory approval). Update: presumably after the partial sale to LG deal completes

10) Lifting of Beibars military polygon (or not), and maybe a farm-in? (timing of lifting of the military polygon is unknown at present). Update: No further updat as yet.

11) Forward drilling plan for Ravninnoe (probably dependent upon Well #20 test result). Update: No further update yet.

12) Volumetrics and forward drilling plan for BNG (At Oil Barrel, the expectation was set of some news on this by mid-2010 in the form of a Competent Persons Report or CPR). Update: still awaited.

Additionally, we have been informed that some 80bopd of production on Munaily will commence around mid-year 2010, with the potential to ramp up to 300-400bopd.

Don't forget to do your own research.