Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Recent News Releases

Since the last post on 15 May, Roxi Petroleum (AIM:RXP) have released their final results, the Annual Report and Accounts for 2009 and an operational update.

The Annual Report can be found here and the Ops update for 1 June can be found here.

The new items released in the Annual Report and the Ops Update include a number of expected events for the rest of 2010:

June 2010:

The McDaniel determined SPE 2P reserves for the Galaz field should be released in June.  Prior releases have determined reserves to Soviet GOST standards - some 14mmbo of 2C reserves.  Hopefully, the determination of reserves to Western standards will encourage more investment in the company form London.

Well 806 on the South Yelemes field in the BNG contract area will be spudded.  We have already heard on 1 June that Well 805 has encountered hydrocarbons in the Cretaceous as well as in the target Callovian Sands in the Upper Jurassic.  The well was coring and preparing to drill on to target depth at 2,500m before running wireline logs.  It has also been announced that they will not flow test this well with this rig, but will mobilise a separate workover rig to conduct testing operations, should they be warranted on wells 805 and 806.

In the 1 June release, Roxi also stated that the reserves and prospective resource figures for the 2010 drilling programme on BNG were undergoing internal and external audit prior to release.  It is to be hoped that the release of these figures comes shortly.

 Test has started on Well #20 on the Ravninnoe block, with acidisation due to be carried out around now.

July 2010:

Pilot production should start on the Galaz field, after the much delayed approval from the Kazakh authorities.  We have also heard that the company has applied for an extension to the Galaz Contract Area, based on the results so far from Well NK22.  The well test awaits the final approval of LGI as the new operator of the block.

Roxi have also announced that well 135 (MJ-A) will spud on the BNG block during July.  We await further details of the target of this well.

August 2010:

The new 3-D seismic acquisition programme should complete on BNG together with the spudding of the first development wells on NW Konys.

September 2010:

Pilot production should start on South Yelemes and they should also receive an export license for the oil produced on BNG.  This should be a key development for Roxi Petroleum as the economics of oil production for export should be much more favourable than production for the domestic market.

Well 807 should be spudded on BNG and more development wells on NW Konys should commence.

October 2010:

Apparently Roxi are starting a "Project Financing Roadshow".  It is unclear what this means - whether to try and find additional partners for the so far disappointing Ravninnoe block, or to secure further funding for the BNG block - maybe the pre-salt formations.

Munaily should start production from one well, a further exploration well on BNG should spud and appraisal wells on NW Konys, hopefully to prove up more reserves towards the ends of the channel feature.

November 2010:

Roxi are anticipating receiving SPE reserves for BNG and spudding well 808 on South Yelemes as well as exploration wells on NW Konys.

December 2010:

Two more exploration wells on BNG should spud.  One is described as "post salt".  We must wait to see if any of the exploration wells are going to probe the pre-salt deeper horizons.

The structure of Roxi Petroleum and its subsidiaries and partners is very complex.  They have attempted to describe the effects of the "post balance-sheet events" in the Annual Report.  These events relate to the Galaz farm-out deal, the BNG farm-out deal and the settling of the loans made from Altius and Kuat Oraziman.  I have found it too difficult to summarise these into a new pro-forma balance sheet, and I do hope that matters are clarified in the interim results to be announced in August.

Despite the breathtaking pace of current and anticipated future developments, the share price performance in recent weeks has been very disappointing, with the share price languishing at levels not seen since April 2009.  This is painful for those holding RXP, but is somewhat mitigated by the CEO, David Wilkes buying a further 91,500 shares announced on 26 May.